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Time for a Life Pivot? 7 Steps to Creating Your Dream Journey

So, here’s the deal – have you ever stopped to think about where life is taking you? It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, right? You wake up, trudge to work, maybe not feeling super thrilled about it, then return home, have a bite to eat, hit the sack, and do it all over again. Sounds like a never-ending cycle, doesn’t it?

Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes what you’re doing now is all part of the grand plan. It might be exactly what you need to get to that next exciting stage in your life. Building a fulfilling life isn’t always a picnic; it takes effort and determination. So, if you’ve done some soul-searching and found that you’re on the right path, kudos to you! Keep your eyes on the prize and keep powering through.

But what if, after your deep dive into your life’s journey, you can’t quite spot that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? That’s when you need to consider a different direction.

You see, every choice you make is like a stepping stone, taking you somewhere. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that if you avoid making decisions, you’re steering clear of any consequences. In reality, you’re just letting life happen to you.

It’s time to be bold, my friend! Make those strategic decisions for your life. If you let fate decide for you, it might just hand you a future you don’t desire. Don’t you think you deserve more than that? It’s high time to seize control of this rollercoaster called life.

Now, changing direction can be intimidating. I get it! But think about the incredible possibilities it opens up. I want you to live life to the fullest, so I’ve laid out six  steps to help you get back on track:

  1. Research Your Options: The internet is your playground! Check out YouTube, Google, and Pinterest for inspiration and ideas. They’re treasure troves of knowledge waiting for you.
  2. Talk to Your Trusted Circle: Reach out to your friends and family, the ones who’ve got your back. They might have some insights and inspiration to share.
  3. Take a Time Out: This is your life we’re talking about. It deserves more than a quick thought while scrolling through Instagram. Set aside a significant chunk of time, maybe an afternoon or a weekend, to reflect on where you are now and where you want to go.
  4. Create a Big Picture Plan: You don’t need to have all the answers right now. They’ll come to you as you start walking toward your vision.
  5. Age Is Just a Number: Don’t let your age hold you back. Transforming your life isn’t just for the young. We should all take an audit of our lives at every stage. It’s never too late to make a change.
  6. One Step at a Time: You can’t change everything overnight. The crucial thing is that you’ve taken the time for self-reflection. At the end of this exercise, you’ll at least know one thing: you’re the woman with the courage to embrace change, warts, and all.

So, there you have it, ladies! Time to take control, make those decisions, and steer your life in the direction you truly desire. Remember, you’ve got the power to change your course and make your life the adventure you’ve always dreamed of. 

Love Sheila x

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